Episode 111: Dan McClellan - the Bible, TikTok and right-wing identity politics

Dan McClellan is a different kind of biblical scholar. He has a cult following on TikTok, regularly engages with conspiracy and misinformation content to debunk it, and isn't afraid to speak about politics. Many of us have come to welcome Dan's "alright, let's see it" on stitches of lurid and ridiculous pseudo-religion online, and along the way, we've learned a lot about what the Bible is and isn't.

Dan's takes are challenging not just to right-wing conspiracy theorists, but to many traditional Christian assumptions. What's nice is that he recognises that, and that he has no particular agenda aside from presenting data and academic consensus as an alternative to dogma and misinformation.

Jonty caught up with Dan a few months ago to talk about the Bible, its misuses and our misunderstandings about it.

Among other things, Dan shares the best and worst Bible translations, the biblical ‘position’ (such as it is) on abortion, and how an academic got onto an app for Korean teenagers to troll politicians.

You can find more from Dan McClellan at his blog and also at the Data Over Dogma podcast.

Dan McClellan’s new book, The Bible Says So is out in April 2025.

Follow Dan on socials by finding his handle: @maklelan

An edited version of this interview appears in Issue 2 of S(h)ibboleth magazine. It’s a good issue. You should buy it.

You can listen to Episode 111 anywhere: in a brave week-night Bible study group, in church during parts of a sermon that seek to leverage the Bible on behalf of privileged identities, in bed when you’re tired of doomscrolling, or right here…

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Beer Christianity is an anti-capitalist, pro-BLM, pro-LGBTQ+, anti-imperialist, post-post-post-evangelical podcast where we drink a bit and talk a lot. Our aim is to be real, helpful and entertaining.

Beer Christianity also has a newsletter in which Jonty and guest authors comment on the news, theological issues and stuff that matters. He updates it according to his own wildly inconsistent neurodivergent schedule, but it’s a good read. Sign up to the Beer Christianity newsletter on Substack

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S(h)ibboleth - our new magazine for left-leaning inclusive Christians (or the post-post-post evangelical and Christian-adjacent) is available for pre-order now! Find out more at shibbolethmag.com

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Follow Beer Christianity on Twitter: @beerxianity and find us on SpotifyApple PodcastsYouTube and, probably, loads of other places. We love hearing from listeners. You can email us at beerchristianity AT yahoo DOT com. We often respond to mails we get on the show. And if you leave us a voicenote on Insta we might air your question on an episode.

There's also a connected Show With Music on Spotify called New Old Music. Check it out if you like eclectic music and random chat.

Other things…

Malky’s design work has graced many good magazines and music videos. You can find his stuff and even commission him if he’s not too busy, here. Jonty's novel, Incredulous Moshoeshoe and the Lightning Bird, is not literature but it’s quite fun if you like Supernatural, Africa or the Goth scene. Laura doesn’t want us to post her BookTok until she’s posted more videos. She may have prayed for the app to be banned just to avoid it.


We don't really want to preach at you, but some people like to know what we believe. It's this: Jesus Christ is the Son of God and came to teach us a better way to be, while reconciling us to God and each other in a way we could never do without Him. He also changed water into wine. Nice. 


Episode 110: Naomi Nixon of the Student Christian Movement