Episode 72: War on Christmas

Merry Xmas / Happy Holidays, 2022, from Beer Christianity

These days, you get arrested and thrown in jail just for saying Merry Christmas. Or, at least, that's what Christian snowflakes, certain media vicars and most of the right wing media would have us believe.

Apparently, atheists, humanists, Muslims and the 'Woke Liberal Elite' are policing our words, forcing us to say 'Happy Holidays' and thus deny Christ :(

This (and other bullshit) comes up in our Christmas 2022 episode, in which we discuss whether a helpful sensitivity to non-Christians during the season may have drifted into paranoia and persecution mania. We hear from an actual atheist humanist (in the wild!) on whether he hates Christmas.

We also discuss whether progressivism can be a bit joyless and what our favourite Christmas films and songs are. Spoiler: none of us said Die Hard, because we are cool.

Here’s the episode to listen, download, share etc, and you can find it on all good podcast platforms:

Here’s some stuff we didn’t cover fully in the episode:

Is Christmas banned?

No. We found this article about what actually happened in Brighton (and which annoyed some precious Christians) helpful.

We also found this statement from the Muslim Council of Britain in 2013 instructive (and a nice addition to friend of the podcast Andre’s piece which you can hear in this episode). The Association of British Muslims also released a very cool article that reminded us of Christian leaders trying to keep parishioners from freaking out around Halloween. It asks: Is Christmas Haram?

We found this article from an easily offended brother in Christ less helpful, except as a springboard to discuss the issue of Christmas paranoia.

What was really fascinating, though, was this Al Jazeera piece about historic ways Muslims have engaged with Christmas in the West. It is really worth a read.

And here’s the promised list of favourite Christmas movies and songs:

Our favourite Christmas movies

Jonty’s pick

Film: Silent Night 

Why? "Because I thought it was just going to be a slightly bitchy Love Actually, but it is profound, shocking and existentially horrifying. I wept. Also it's pretty funny and very well written."

Laura’s pick 

Film: Beauty and the Beast - The Enchanted Christmas

Why? "Because every family has that one niche film that they always watch at Christmas, and this was ours. And I like it. And it has one of the best Disney songs. And I like it."

Malky’s pick

Film: Home Alone

Why? "Because of the childhood feels. When I was a kid, it felt awesome. I thought Kevin was an awesome dude. And it's got a solid amount of slapstick, so my kids will watch it now and enjoy it."

Our favourite Christmas songs

Malky’s pick: Stop the Cavalry

Laura’s pick: any carol with a descant

Jonty’s pick: whatever the hell this is


Episode 73: New Year’s resolutions


Episode 71: Dr Leroy Logan - policing, ACAB and defunding