The Beer Christianity podcast has been around for a few years. This website not so much. We’re in the process of adding all previous episodes, but that will take a while because we are all very busy and also very lazy. More (well, all) episodes at our old, ugly Libsyn site (and on all good podcast platforms).

Latest episodes:

Jonathan Langley Jonathan Langley

Episode 82: Trans and Christian- Alex Clare-Young, URC Minister

Trans and non-binary Christians exist. They are beloved and valuable parts of the Body of Christ. URC minister and former Goth Alex Clare-Young talks to Beer Christianity about their spiritual journey, their transition and how the two were intertwined. They also help us understand a bunch of stuff, from trans theology to how to be better allies.

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Jonathan Langley Jonathan Langley

Episode 81: Trans people in sport - Cleo Madeleine of Gendered Intelligence

Trans exclusion at the highest levels of sport ultimately affects more people than you may think. We hear from queer trans activist and educator Cleo Madeleine about the history of enforced gender binaries in sport, trans identity in faith communities and people of faith in queer communities.

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Jonathan Langley Jonathan Langley

Episode 80: Paul Northup on 50 years and the future of Greenbelt Festival

How are the origins of Greenbelt Festival (50 this year) linked to the Hippie movement? When and why did churches stop sending youth groups to Greenbelt? And why, now, might they start sending them again? Festival Director Paul Northup talks history, spiritual impact and how Greenbelt has always felt different from other Christian festivals.

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Jonathan Langley Jonathan Langley

Episode 77: The billionaire sub disaster (& what it says about us)

Laughing at the deaths of billionaires - we found it disturbing, but is it ever okay to make light of an oppressor’s misfortune? We ask listeners, hear from a talented comedian and consider the ethics of jokes, wealth and power in Episode 77 of Beer Christianity: The billionaire sub.

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Jonathan Langley Jonathan Langley

Episode 76: Memento Mitford

Fancy coming on a little tour of rural English graveyards? Too bad, you’re coming. We promise pretty epitaphs, a quest to find an author’s grave and just one story about an animal carcass in a churchyard. We’re dying to share it with you!

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Jonathan Langley Jonathan Langley

Episode 75: Coronation check-in

Why would Christians object to the coronation? What are the reasons some Christians dislike the monarchy in general? What kinda fascist things happened around the coronation and, more importantly, who are our hosts' favourite kings?

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Jonathan Langley Jonathan Langley

Episode 74: Brian McLaren - Should I stay Christian?

If the Church is going through a new Reformation (towards a more progressive, inclusive and liberal existence), then Brian McLaren is its Martin Luther. Or John Calvin. Or that Scottish guy.

What we're saying is, for those who are unfamiliar with his work or reputation, he's a big dog in the world of not just progressive Christianity, but Christianity overall, especially over the last few years. Ever since A New Kind of Christian (2001) and A Generous Orthodoxy (2005), McLaren has drawn ire from evangelicals, fundamentalists and all the other kinds of Christians who feel it is their duty to police the boundaries of truth and legitimate witness.

He's not uncontroversial, is what we're saying. But Jonty found him lovely when interviewing him years ago and, when Malky and Laura got the chance at Greenbelt festival 2022, they loved him too.

In this exclusive interview with Brian McLaren, Beer Christianity talks to the influential writer and thinker about the four stages of the spiritual journey, stage theory in general, McLaren's new book Should I stay Christian? and what it's like to draw so much hate (or the cold shoulder) from more traditional side sof the church.

It's a really good chat. We discuss it in detail and give our own thoughts as well, because THAT'S WHAT WE DO.


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Jonathan Langley Jonathan Langley

Episode 72: War on Christmas

Is there a war on Christmas? Is anyone forcing us to say Happy Holidays? Or are we being festive snowflakes? What are the Beer Christianity hosts’ current favourite Christmas movies and songs? Episode 72 is a Holiday Miracle.

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Dianna Langley Dianna Langley

Episode 71: Dr Leroy Logan - policing, ACAB and defunding

Dr Leroy Logan served in the Metropolitan police for 30 years, eventually becoming a superintendent and helping to found the Black Police Association.
Dr Logan talked to Jonty at Greenbelt festival in a lively press tent about his views on policing, defunding the police, slogans like ACAB and his views on justice in the legal system and society.

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Dianna Langley Dianna Langley

Episode 70: "Who elected him?" Symon Hill on protesting against monarchy

Symon Hill made headlines when he was arrested for shouting: 'Who elected him?' during the proclamation of Charles Windsor as King in Oxford.

Symon is a Christian, historian and peace activist and he is our guest for episode 70. Symon shares his surprise at being arrested, his concerns over free speech and democracy in Britain, and the deeply uncomfortable experience of being on the same side as Piers Morgan (this once).

Protest, democracy, monarchy and the police on Beer Christianity.

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Dianna Langley Dianna Langley

Episode 69 (nice): The Queen - Monarchy, Mourning and Dissent

Queen Elizabeth II has died and Beer Christianity has great sympathy for her family, some sympathy for strangers who loved her and very little sympathy for those cynically emulating or prescriptively enforcing mourning.

Join us as we try to understand what's behind the love and criticism for both the former monarch and the institution of monarchy in the 21st century from a Christian leftist perspective.

Honestly, most of us didn't have strong feelings on monarchy until this week. But the pressure to accept strange narratives pushed several of us into more passionately monarchist territory. Well done, media. 

We laugh a lot at the cynical performative mourning we've seen from celebs and corporations in this episode, but we try to stay respectful of individuals who have feelings that are different from our own. 

We have no illusions that this will prevent us from getting angry letters. 

(If you're confused about the marmalade thing, that's probably for the best. It's quite mad.)

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Dianna Langley Dianna Langley

Episode 68: Good news: bad start? Questions for the man on the mountaintop (Brian McLaren's 4 stages explored)

What are the five stages of the spiritual life (as identified by Brian McLaren)? Do we dilute the Gospel by starting with the bad news? And have you ever peed on a frog?

These important questions all come up in this, our second episode from Greenbelt festival 2022.

Greenbelt was wonderful this year. You should go to the next one.

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Dianna Langley Dianna Langley

Episode 66: Paul Northup, Creative Director of Greenbelt Festival (and reluctant rock star)

Is Greenbelt festival a guilty pleasure for evangelicals, a Church without the hassle of 365day pastoral care or a breaking through of the kingdom of God?

Paul Northup Greenbelt festival Beer Christianity

We talk to Paul Northup, Creative Director (aka Big Dog) of Britain’s best festival about the inclusion of Richard Dawkins at a Christian festival, what inclusion means and what makes Greenbelt a special space for so many people.

Paul takes time out of his busiest and most stressful time of year to talk to the Beer Christianity Crew about how Greenbelt has changed over the years, the challenges of creating a safe and yet challenging space and the difficulties of putting on a festival that does something fundamentally different from other Christian, art or justice events.

We also talk about his time as a rock star (a term he laughingly rejects) and the VERY surprising speaker Greenbelt get pressured to invite (you will be shocked). Greenbelt is the ultimate broad church, while still remaining true to the faith.

If you’re anywhere near the UK, it is not too late to book your tickets to Greenbelt. Visit and come!

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Dianna Langley Dianna Langley

Episode 65: SHO(R)T - All creation yeets - special report from the Kruger National Park

It should have been a shot of Amarula. Or good Cape wine. But in this short sharp shot, Jonty sips on some terrible sweet bubbly and tells you about all the animals that have tried to attack his wife recently - as well as an encounter of sorts with another religious in South Africa's Kruger National Park.

Glories of creation, all things not so bright and beautiful, coming to you from South of the equator.

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Dianna Langley Dianna Langley

Episode 64: Christian vs Muslim - battle of the podcast hosts (lol jk we love each other)

It's the clash of cultures! It's a battle royale between two podcast hosts of different faiths! It's a competition to see which religion is better! (It's none of these things.)

Christian v Muslim podcast

It IS a joint episode, published in slightly different forms, by both Beer Christianity and the Amreekies podcast, hosted by the lovely Ehab who you have heard on our show before.

So Amreekies listeners and Beer Christianity listeners will hear largely the same thing, with some key differences. Mostly those differences are that poor Ehab had to edit out Jonty's swears.

You can listen to both versions and see which one you like best!

Ehab and Jonty share their thoughts on dealing with depression and anxiety while performing and hosting, being a niche version of your faith and demonstrating another side of your faith to outsiders. They also talk about podcast producing angst,, not being a very good Christian/Muslim and how the Ummah will triumph. You should listen!

This episode very kindly produced by Ehab from Amreekies. Because Jonty was slow.

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Dianna Langley Dianna Langley

Episode 63 - SHO(R)T - Ukraine crisis: Love during wartime (the propaganda episode)

Is anyone else a little alarmed by how quickly so many people have begun singing off the same jingoistic and bellicose hymn sheet?

Ukraine propaganda and warIs anyone a little freaked out by how the rhetoric around the evil happening in Ukraine right now seems to ignore very similar things 'our side' has done?

Is Jonty the only one who worries about critical thinking when everyone seems to be parroting 'He's insane / evil' but is doing pretty much what most leaders in his position have done (including our own)?

Probably just Jonty, and if these questions alone make you angry you are going to HATE this episode and should probably skip it.

Just asking some questions...

Beer Christianity SHO(R)Ts are only about 15 minutes long and are more compact and punchy than our full episodes. Which are also great.

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