The Beer Christianity podcast has been around for a few years. This website not so much. We’re in the process of adding all previous episodes, but that will take a while because we are all very busy and also very lazy. More (well, all) episodes at our old, ugly Libsyn site (and on all good podcast platforms).

Latest episodes:

Jonathan Langley Jonathan Langley

Episode 91: AI, ethics and dangers

AI is going to kill us all. Or save the world. It’s going to make all out jobs easier and, quite possibly, steal our jobs. What are the real dangers, ethically, spiritually and societally, of Artificial Intelligence? Our guest on Episode 91 brings a fresh perspective.

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Jonathan Langley Jonathan Langley

Episode 90: Christian Socialism? Matt McManus, lecturer in Political Science

Is Socialism inherently anti-Christian? Do Socialists want to destroy the witness of the Church? IS Christianity compatible with Socialism? What is it that Socialism offers Christians that should appeal to us? We ask these kinds of questions to Matt McManus, a lecturer in Political Science at the University of Michigan in episode 90 of Beer Christianity.

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Jonathan Langley Jonathan Langley

Episode 89: Congo crisis explained - Maurice Carney, Friends of the Congo

M23, the military descendants of Rwandan militias that caused chaos in the 90s, are currently just one of many militias making Congo’s East unliveable. But the mass displacements, killings and sexual violence in Congo can be traced further back. Maurice Carney of Friends of the Congo joins us to explain the history and complexity of the Congo crisis.

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Jonathan Langley Jonathan Langley

Episode 88: Jolyon Maugham KC - Good Law, better world

From fighting medical misinformation and climate change to holding the government to its pledges on drink spiking laws and tax loopholes, Jolyon Maugham and the Good Law Project are doing God’s work in Britain. We talk changing the world, facing establishment opposition and why none of us are actually drinking beer with a campaigning lawyer.

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Jonathan Langley Jonathan Langley

Episode 87: Nice, Churchy Patriarchy - Liz Cooledge Jenkins

Sexism and patriarchy in churches isn’t always aggressive, macho and overtly dominative. Sometimes it hides beneath niceness, and is accepted and enacted by otherwise nice people. But it is always damaging. And our guest this episode is educating people about it. We love her. Listen!

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Jonathan Langley Jonathan Langley

Episode 86: Post-march clarity - reflections on a Palestine protest

Suella Braverman calls them ‘hate marches’ but we went on one and it was wholesome and motivated by a love of justice, including Jewish people, Muslims, Christians and, we assume, pretty much every other faith perspective. This episode takes you inside (a bit).

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Jonathan Langley Jonathan Langley

Episode 83: Greenbelt 2023 Review - beer, hymns, thems and us

Greenbelt Festival is a progressive, feminist, LGBTQI+ affirming, Palestine-solidarity, post-capitalist, Christian, spiritual festival of arts, justice, ideas and music. It’s way more fun than that makes it sound. This is our experience of it in 2023.

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Jonathan Langley Jonathan Langley

Episode 82: Trans and Christian- Alex Clare-Young, URC Minister

Trans and non-binary Christians exist. They are beloved and valuable parts of the Body of Christ. URC minister and former Goth Alex Clare-Young talks to Beer Christianity about their spiritual journey, their transition and how the two were intertwined. They also help us understand a bunch of stuff, from trans theology to how to be better allies.

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Jonathan Langley Jonathan Langley

Episode 81: Trans people in sport - Cleo Madeleine of Gendered Intelligence

Trans exclusion at the highest levels of sport ultimately affects more people than you may think. We hear from queer trans activist and educator Cleo Madeleine about the history of enforced gender binaries in sport, trans identity in faith communities and people of faith in queer communities.

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Jonathan Langley Jonathan Langley

Episode 80: Paul Northup on 50 years and the future of Greenbelt Festival

How are the origins of Greenbelt Festival (50 this year) linked to the Hippie movement? When and why did churches stop sending youth groups to Greenbelt? And why, now, might they start sending them again? Festival Director Paul Northup talks history, spiritual impact and how Greenbelt has always felt different from other Christian festivals.

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Jonathan Langley Jonathan Langley

Episode 77: The billionaire sub disaster (& what it says about us)

Laughing at the deaths of billionaires - we found it disturbing, but is it ever okay to make light of an oppressor’s misfortune? We ask listeners, hear from a talented comedian and consider the ethics of jokes, wealth and power in Episode 77 of Beer Christianity: The billionaire sub.

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Jonathan Langley Jonathan Langley

Episode 76: Memento Mitford

Fancy coming on a little tour of rural English graveyards? Too bad, you’re coming. We promise pretty epitaphs, a quest to find an author’s grave and just one story about an animal carcass in a churchyard. We’re dying to share it with you!

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Jonathan Langley Jonathan Langley

Episode 75: Coronation check-in

Why would Christians object to the coronation? What are the reasons some Christians dislike the monarchy in general? What kinda fascist things happened around the coronation and, more importantly, who are our hosts' favourite kings?

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Jonathan Langley Jonathan Langley

Episode 74: Brian McLaren - Should I stay Christian?

If the Church is going through a new Reformation (towards a more progressive, inclusive and liberal existence), then Brian McLaren is its Martin Luther. Or John Calvin. Or that Scottish guy.

What we're saying is, for those who are unfamiliar with his work or reputation, he's a big dog in the world of not just progressive Christianity, but Christianity overall, especially over the last few years. Ever since A New Kind of Christian (2001) and A Generous Orthodoxy (2005), McLaren has drawn ire from evangelicals, fundamentalists and all the other kinds of Christians who feel it is their duty to police the boundaries of truth and legitimate witness.

He's not uncontroversial, is what we're saying. But Jonty found him lovely when interviewing him years ago and, when Malky and Laura got the chance at Greenbelt festival 2022, they loved him too.

In this exclusive interview with Brian McLaren, Beer Christianity talks to the influential writer and thinker about the four stages of the spiritual journey, stage theory in general, McLaren's new book Should I stay Christian? and what it's like to draw so much hate (or the cold shoulder) from more traditional side sof the church.

It's a really good chat. We discuss it in detail and give our own thoughts as well, because THAT'S WHAT WE DO.


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Jonathan Langley Jonathan Langley

Episode 72: War on Christmas

Is there a war on Christmas? Is anyone forcing us to say Happy Holidays? Or are we being festive snowflakes? What are the Beer Christianity hosts’ current favourite Christmas movies and songs? Episode 72 is a Holiday Miracle.

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